Useful tips and essential content you need to start teaching online

Para português, clique aqui.

If you’ve missed out on my most recent webinar, you still have a chance to watch it.

I am making the entire content of the webinar available free of charge as a way of helping other teachers during these tough times here:

Webinar notes

Webinar notes

In case you want to keep them

And here is all content I mention in my talk:

Check if your internet connection meets the basic requirements

Remember: upload speed matters just as much as download. Anything below 2mb/s will crash.

Here’s more information about it:

Finding out if your internet meets basic speed requirements

Testing your speed and your student's

Sharing your screen in class

Sharing your screen on Google Hangouts

Sharing your screen on Zoom Meetings

Sharing your screen on Skype

How to have a board in your online class

Examples of RL boards being used online

Example of a physical white board being used in class

Example of a physical white board being used in class

Online boards

A few options
Options on how you can have an online board

Real time board

Zoom's whiteboard feature


If you have an iPad…



Sharing and editing content in and out of class

Pdfs on google drive
Editing pdfs free of charge on Google drivee

Google Classroom

Google documents

Still lost?

Feel free to post questions to my facebook page and I’ll answer them soon.

